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Welcome to the Human Rights Praxis Project eBook!

[Description - Lisa Brown welcomes students to the ebook project and provides a brief explanation of this course]

Project Description

The eBook is an experiential education tool, collaboratively created by the Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion [REI] and SimXSpace.

The eBook supports the REI’s mission to navigate professional conduct and relationships through a socio-legal lens, and aims to detail tensions that arise in human rights law, highlighting when the Ontario Human Rights Commission [OHRC] gets activated in response to behaviours and comments that can offend human rights, and may be deemed a violation of the law.

As the term praxis suggests, the eBook provides an opportunity to learn and apply skills such as empathy, civility, effective communication, critical thinking and emotional intelligence which are necessary in responding effectively to situations of discrimination.

The content can be applied and used as an educational tool and can also be embedded into a wide array of teaching and learning contexts, from undergraduate to graduate programs, for staff, faculty and administrators, professional training and leadership development.

This eBook can be combined with other teaching tools such as faculty workshops on experiential education, teaching and learning activities that enhance professionally relevant skills and capacities, and it can be shared by learners and educators within a variety of relevant organization and institutional websites.